Thursday, March 25, 2010


Here we are in the hospital waiting to go home after yet another long day with Kasi. It is crazy to remember how far we have come with her. I think about her as a baby in the hospital bed and how small she was. Now I look at her and she is such a young lady and more importantly such a woman of faith. I don't think if I were in her position I would handle myself as good as she is. She is just an amazing blessing.
Here is what the next week looks like for us. She will not be able to go to school tomorrow, and she will be on full restrictions when she does go back. Her aorta is renarrowed as we thought, and the measurements are 23-where the aorta comes off the heart, 14-mid way down, and then 4 where it is her narrowist point. The Dr.'s would like it at 14 at the least. They are currently sending out all the information to other places and other Dr.s. thoughts will be pouring in here soon. The Dr.'s are planning on having a meeting on Wed., because that is when they discuss tough cases, and Kasi will be the subject of the next meeting. Until then we wait and pray the right people in the right places, which God always is ahead of us on this one :-) Of course we are still praying for healing. This is our journey called life......with God leading us we know everything will be okay. It always is.
Thank you for all your prayers!

she is in.....

Kasi was just taken back to have her heart cath done. She is a little nervous about the fact that she will not be totally asleep. She did get "loopy" here in her room and was smiling even through her tears. Of course she gets that from me. Although as I get older the tears seem more willing to win. This brings me back a few years with the smells and the sounds. It is amazing what your body and brain do when you are brought back to a place that brought so much trama even years and years before. I am thankful for God's amazing grace that is felt in prayers of so many people. I am thankful for the family of God who holds us up. We will know pretty soon what her insides look like and then we will be sitting in recovery for about 5 or 6 hours. So, if all goes well we will be out of here around supper time.
Pray for clear pictures and a good sense of blood pressures in her aorta. Please pray for God's wisdom for all involved b/c there are a lot of Dr. following this. Everyone that comes in here has said how much of a unique case she is. It is a reminder to remember all God has done for her and us so far in her life. She is an amazing girl who loves Jesus more than anything.
Right now....she is safe in His arms.

on the road of Life....

Today marks another day on a lone road of Kasi's life. Last week we had an appointment with Dr. Malcolm, Kasi's cardiologist, and he found that her aorta was not growing as it should be. We have been seeing signs in her legs and feet that made us wonder about the blood flow to her lower body. Today she will have a heart cath done and they will be taking pictures and measurements of the blood flow through her narrowed area. When that is done they will send out the pictures to the Dr.'s all over the world who have reviewed her case before and they will discuss an option for her. Please pray for Kasi. We have seen amazing things happen in her life over the last almost 14 years....she is such a blessing to everyone that knows her. We trust that God's will is perfect and rest in that. He is in control so we pray for the knowledge of the Dr.'s to come together and find a way for her to be able to live a "normal" life.

I will keep updating this once again. And I thank you for all of your prayers in advance.

Jodi DeRoo

I will give more details about her aorta in some of the following posts :-) it is not an easy one to explain.