Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Well, it has been a bit again since the last post, so I thought I would give you an update although it is not a very big update. What I can say is that God is working, and His work is amazing. Currently we are waiting to hear back from Dr. Nierotti, who is in Argentina, and Dr. Morell who is from Children's Hospital, University of Phittsburg Medical Center. This Children's Hospital is one of the best in the nation and we are praying for some direction from them.
Now on to how Kasi is doing with all of this. She was "ok" with the decision of UofM, but she is really tired of having restrictions. She is ready to be able to do things again and she is ready to not be in pain in her feet. It is becoming a "normal" to her which is kind of sad. I really don't like to hear about her pain being normal, because it is not. And it is not something a child of 14 should have to live with. She is a tooper though, you wouldn't even know that she has pain. She is really at rest with this, and I can only say it is because it is bigger than us. We are all have a sense of peace, but it is ONLY because we know our God is bigger. That doesn't mean that we are worry free because that wouldn't be human, we just know that we HAVE to put our trust in the One who is the greater, bigger, and healer of us all. We know that He has given wisdom to those who need it and we are trusting that we will find those people. This UPMC thing is totally of God and our connection to this place was only from Him! I am so excited to see what God has in store resting in His will, because His will is perfect!
Please pray for wisdom, and healing for Kasi. And of course continued peace.
In Christ Love,

1 comment:

  1. I hope we hear back soon it is getting kind-of weird thinking Kasi could be in pain, but maybe she won't tell me her cousin because it is "normal" for her now.......
