Saturday, September 11, 2010

God is moving.

I am not sure where to start with all of the things that God is doing in our lives.  From things He reveals to me about Kasi and her heart, with the start of Unity, and with conversations she has had with friends to the people who love us so dearly that they are listening intently to the call of God on their hearts to set up a fundraiser for our family.  All of this is truly overwhelming. 
I will start by saying I truly love my sister in Christ, Kristie, who has grown up with me all of my life.  Been there for all of my ups and downs and without her in my life I know I would be a different person.  She continually points me to the Truth and gives her everything for our family even when she is extremely busy with her own family.  She knows the meaning of the word sacrifice and obedience and I am very blessed to know her and be loved by her as I am.  So THANK YOU!  Also, thank you to ALL of you who are coming alone side her.  I know it is because of your love for our God, Kasi and our family that you are putting so much time and effort into this fundraiser.  I can not tell you how many people I tell about the fundraiser each day and really point them to the fact it is because of the way God works in peoples hearts and lives that we know we will be provided for.  Isn't that just like our incredible God.  When we have nothing, He gives us everything we need without our being able to do things ourselves.  We, as a family, pray for each one of you as you plan and prepare for this event.  We also pray for the hearts that will hear our story that night and hear about the amazing faith of one of God's most amazing young women, Kasi.  For more general information about the event, please look at the paragraph at the top of my blog and you will find an email address too.  I will update this when they give me updates.
These past couple of weeks have been the first weeks of school for Kasi.  She has done really well with the adjustment of schedule and sleep.  She started Unity only really knowing the people from ACS, but without being really nervous she has walked into Unity and has already made a ton of new friends.  She has come along side some people who maybe would otherwise sit by themselves at lunch.  She is trying to get some of them to actually all sit together so they can have a big group of friends, and then last night while talking to one of her new friends she really was a voice of encouragement to someone who after her first couple weeks felt like on outcast, or different.  Some of these things are so over looked by the "typical" teenager that Kasi's eyes and mostly her heart are drawn too.  She reminds me of that Brandon Heath song we sing so often called "Give Me Your Eyes", the difference is, she does live it.  I am so proud of who she is and who she is becoming, she makes me smile.
Now on to the stuff of real life that we also get smacked in the face with.  Kasi's surgery will be on November 4 at U of M.  She will be admitted into the hospital on the 3rd and that will be the start of our long journey of healing and recovery.  She has been put on blood pressure meds in which help her in her activity to get stronger for a better recovery, but lately she has been feeling a little tired.  It is not the normal tired we feel, but she explains it as her body is really tired and wants to be done and rest.  Not muscles, but her insides.  She also has been getting a pale color to her and sometimes almost yellow.  I took her into the Dr. yesterday and we will have lab results on Monday.  That may or may not tell us what is going on.  I guess I am asking that you all pray that she is healthy!  I am hoping this all will just pass and she will once again be able to feel good for a while before surgery.
A few people are asking me what Kasi is thinking or feeling about the surgery.  So, with that I say, she doesn't say much.  We have talked about all of the risks and she is really ready for whatever she may have to go through.  Also, I do know that her heart once again is more worried about us then herself.  Yep, she doesn't worry about herself, but her family. 
I have talked to alot of people about all of this and God's will in this.  I have to say, I know that some people think that this is not God's will for her and I have to answer that with why not?  God's will is perfect and good.  And I see all of this that happens because of her story and because of the person she is and is becoming I don't see what is not perfect and good.  What I see is a refining fire that purifies and makes us more like Christ everyday.  I see people pulling together to work for a greater cause then they could ever do themselves.  I see Kasi saying to a new friend you are not weird and a heart of compassion for those who hurt.  I see a girl right now sitting in my living room laughing and smiling at the simple things of Nathan.  I see people stepping up and listening to God's call on their hearts.  I see people supporting each other because of a mutual love.  Mostly.....I SEE GOD!  In all of this I see Him.  I can't explain why some people have to go through things in life, but I do know that He will never give us more than we can handle and I also know that sometimes you have to change your view in order to see Him in the middle.  We say it all the time, God is good, I am wondering, do we live into it?  Even in the middle of the hard times.  I am right now clinging to the Truths that I know.  One of them is Kasi's life verse:
Jer. 29:11 "for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord!  Plans to prosper you, not to harm you, but to give you Hope and a future"
Another GREAT passage is:
2 Corinthians 1: 3-7 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.
May the God of ALL comfort invade our hearts through the next few weeks and months!
Love to you all!'


  1. Hallelulah! What an amazing God we have! And what an awesome woman He has created in you - yes YOU - Jodi Deroo! Each time I read your updates, I wonder just how many lives have been touched by the story you share and the praise and glory you give to God. How many people have found their way to this blog and heard, maybe for the first time, that God is truly good, even in the worst of times? Don't ever give up on Him - He hears - and we'll continue to pray.

    In Christ's love,
    Becky Putvin

    Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.
    - 2 Thes 2:16-17

  2. JODI, All our love and prayers....the journeys we do not get to pick; just walk beautifully your family is walking;With HIM!!!!!
    May God fill you with His Peace Continually.

    The Modderman's
