Friday, December 12, 2008

a long night

I can't say thank you enough to all of you who have prayed and are still praying for Kasi. I am amazed at the strength that Kasi has shown and is still showing. God is in control and it is evident.
I do have one more request for the night. I am hoping you can come along side me in praying for her tummy. She is getting sick. She sat up a little bit at about 8:05, okay she can only be at a 30 degree sit at most. She had her head up a touch if you call that sitting up. During that time she woke up a little more too which was nice. Although it was good to hear her say her first real words since surgery it didn't last long and she got sick. In fact, it was about 20 mins. They gave her meds at the first sign of being sick, but it didn't help. She did end up getting sick. Just having her back surgery she is not able to sit up, so I just did my best to turn her head and clean her up. So, it is not a fun thing for her. They did give her a different med after that and she fell right to sleep once again and I think she is settled for a while. She has been through so much being sick is not a great thing for her or me. We both want to rest. :-)

This has been a very long day. It has also been a day filled with God's blessing....we are and will continue to Praise Him!

Love to all of you!!


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