Friday, November 19, 2010

another day

November 19.  Seriously, this is the day I had in my head to be home.  In fact I put on our "plan of care" spot on the board that I wanted to be home by Thanksgiving.  Well, here we are and I am sad to say at this point it seems pretty impossible to be home by Thanksgiving.  Kasi's tummy just doesn't seem to want to work.  She is trying and doing everything she can, but it is just not working.  The doctors are going to give her until Monday to try and start slowly eating something, but if she is not eating enough by Monday they will do an upper GI to check her belly and it's function.  This is what Kasi said to me.  Mom put it out every where that my stomach needs to start to work.  Have everyone pray and pray for my stomach. 
Her attitude is still great.  She is being funny, laughing and making others laugh.  Everyone now knows when she doesn't feel good because she doesn't wear that smile.  She will smile, but she doesn't have it on her whole face.  Seems crazy I know, but for those who know her really well totally understand that. 
I apologize for such a short update this time, everything seems so up in the air right now.  I will update more tomorrow when I get some more information on where her tummy is at and her other organs. 
Right now, we are praying for her belly!!

We just keep fight the good fight, sharing a light and smile with all those we can around here.  We have met "friends" up here.  Imagine that, and we have nurses hanging out in our room too.  It is pretty funny! 


  1. We will pray tonight for your stomach to heal, and for patience and perseverance for you both and your whole family. Keep on laughing Kasi, and making others laugh, you are truly a blessing to so many others around you, keep it up, you are doing GREAT! May God give you both peace and good rest tonight.

    All our love,
    The Den Hartighs

  2. Praying for you Kasi! I will pray as hard as I can for your belly to start to work. You have been such as inspiration to me, I think about you so often through the day and pray for you often. I don't know you personally but you have truly been a great influence in my life. You and your family are so amazing. Your faith, attitude, and positive thinking is so encouraging. You and your family are touching so many people through your story and "God Strong" attitude. I pray that it is God's plan to make your belly start to work, and start to work now, so you can eat, be comfortable and be closer to home. Just know that we are praying for you and your whole family Kasi!

  3. Praying the Almighty Healer has just the right timing scheduled for your tummy to "turn on". He knows you are celebrating THANKSGIVING everyday for every blessing you have been given thus far and it will be an ever joyous Thanksgiving celebration when you are ready to head home!

    Patience and peace for the journey.
