Friday, November 26, 2010 23

I can hardly imagine that today is the 23rd night spent here at U of M.  Yesterday, was an amazing evening for me just to be with all of the kiddos, and for the first time in a while feel the blessing of being a mom of 4.  I always feel blessed to be the mom of four, but yesterday being together for the first time in 3 weeks was a great reminder of the incredible family God has brought together.  Perfectly according to His plan.  Each child so unique and special it was overwhelming for me just to love on each of them.  Kasi and I both felt a little sad as they walked away and for the first time I saw tears in Kasi's eyes, and it was just because she wanted to go home and be all together again.  We know that will be soon and we know that God is not a God of time, we are thankful for each moment we do have.
Today the day after Thanksgiving we found ourselves giving thanks again.  Kasi's numbers went down quite a bit and we are sooo thankful.  She has still been struggling with her belly working properly, but if her numbers go down like they did today, she will be able to start some clear sips tomorrow.  This is a huge step and will take patience again because once she has sips they will keep an eye on her levels to see what they do.  If they keep going down and get to normal levels, we will be able to move on to all clears and then full liquid.  If all goes well with that, full "normal" diet.  This process will take days, just keep that in mind, and it has not started, but it is the way things will go if they could go perfectly.  Also, Kasi will be having an angiogram on Monday IF she can get on clears by Sunday.  After her angiogram she will be finishing up her recovery from a slow tummy and she will only be able to go when she is off TPN and her PICC line is out.  Yes, some people go home with those, but because of risk of infection and the fact that infection would settle into her patch it is something that is not an option to go home on.  We totally agree with this choice, we want her to go home completely free from all this "stuff" of the hospital. 
Kasi and I have been visited by awesome friends up here and today was no different.  We are blessed with people who love us and challenge us.  I am reminded daily how incredible God's strength is in Kasi.  So many times I talk about how strong Kasi is, but even she would say that it is God's strength in her.  I have heard a lot in my life that God will never give you more that you can handle, but really I find more peace and joy in the fact that God's Grace is sufficient for us.  His strength is made perfect in our weakness.  It is not about the strength that we might some how have, it is all about who God is to us in the middle of the storm.  We know that He fights for us all we need to do is be still.  Trust. Believe. Show others the strength of God in us which is because of His love for us.  It all comes back to that, His love poured out for us, His Spirit in us, and us fully and completely relying on Him.
We are doing good  up here.  I don't know if I can stress that enough.  People are remarking about our smiles and the joy that we have.  I know God's purpose was for us to be here.  We have met so many people and the doctors are starting to remark to Kasi about how remarkable she is.  One doctor even told Dr. Stanley in front of Kasi how incredible her attitude is and has been.  Even they can see a difference.  We have more opportunities to tell them that our difference is because of God!  They are seeing it which is a great thing to hear and know, God will open that door for us to say something as well. 
God is good!!
Thank you for all of your faithful prayers and being before the throne of our Father saying our names.  We are so blessed!

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