Wednesday, November 10, 2010

God is with us.

The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
... He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
-Isaiah 40:28-29
Because when I am weak, I am strong....God strong!
Thank you for all of your prayers today.  I am just going to give you a little update on the rest of our day.
It was a yo-yo day today.  We have had ups and downs all day.  I have been praying for many things today and I thought the fact that Kasi needs to pass gas was the biggest.  Well, it turns out that was one of many things to pray for and against.  I am happy to report that Kasi is resting comfortably in bed right now, in a different PICU room, still not eating, but giving me a smile once again.  This says a lot about her.  She has been through so much today and everyday really.  She can't eat, which I have told you, but she has to walk.  Today once again she spiked a little fever out of now where, but she insisted on walking anyway.  She knows in order to get her tummy moving she needs to walk, and in order to walk, she can't be sleepy so that means less meds.  Well, you know what happens then she gets hurting.  I know they want her to keep up on her pain but there are very few meds that she can take because of her surgery.  So, she is dealing and at night, starting tonight, they are going to turn up her pain meds so hopefully she can sleep through the night.  I am not sure about who all God is waking up in the middle of the night, but that is for real!  My pager goes crazy and it is at the exact time that we need prayers.  Kasi has been waking up with awful pain and it starts at around 3:00 am and last for a couple hours.  It is miserable, but last night while we were dealing with this stuff, my pager was buzzing like crazy.  It amazes me that you are so faithful for the call of God to pray even then!  And then to take time and call the number, well, we needed them all!  The rest of the day as well.  I have seen God at work here today and we will praise Him and do a little happy dance in our hearts. 
We have been canceled on our angiogram for tomorrow.  They are going to reschedule that sometime, I am not sure when.  They thought they would do a CAT scan, but that is not an option either because they won't be able to see what they want to see because of her rods and screws.  So, tomorrow is another day.  We will see what her chest X-ray will show and we will see if she passes any gas.  Also, we are waiting for the culture to come back on her blood work.  I know you all are praying for her, and I thank you!
Have a great night!  Keep praying!! 
Love to you all.


  1. Prayers will continue for you and your family Kasi!

  2. Continuing to pray for all concerns!


  3. Jodi, thank you for taking the time to write and inform us all of what is going on even with all that you are facing there. The specific needs of Kasi and your family that need to be brought before the Lord are so many and so huge. But... you are right God is bigger and he is calling on all of his prayer warriors to fight this fight with you and so we continue to pray!!! Your faith and passion for the Lord are such an inspiration to us all! More hugs from the Stevens!!

  4. Here is an inspirational song for you and Kasi. Thinkin of you guys, keep it up Kasi!! Praying for you! <3 Kelsi
